June 16, 2011

Mississippi Munching

As not to be confused with the state of Mississippi, our "Mrs. Sippy" has blonde hair, big green eyes and her two [bottom] front teeth.
As I mentioned in Riley's last milestone post, we started her on the sippy cup. One night while feeding her dinner, I decided to put some water in her sippy cup and give it to her. No exaggeration here people, she picked it up by both handles, put it up to her mouth and tilted it up. You could have knocked me over with a feather. DID SHE REALLY JUST DO THAT LIKE SHE'S BEEN DOING IT FOR YEARS?!?!?! She sure did. If my memory serves me correctly, I'm pretty sure that it took Tyler a little while to get the hang of it. I also remember him being pretty finicky about the type of cup he would use. This is not the case with Riley. Every cup I've given her, she takes right to it. This was also the first time that I gave her water, which also proved to be an instant success. Who knew? Here again, we find ourselves checking off another milestone in the blink of an eye. Her sippy cup is now a daily fixture in her diaper bag and she gets so excited every time she sees it.

Along the same lines of drinking out of a big girl sippy cup, she is now an avid self-feeder. We started with big items such as celery, carrots and toasted bagels, just so that she could work on the hand to mouth coordination. Now, we have moved on to everything. Whatever we're eating, she gets nibble sized bites of. She loves anything with some type of texture, but I think her favorite are the Gerber puffs that look like cheese doodles. When she sees the can, she goes nuts! She's even mastered the skill of taking bites of them, rather than stuffing the whole thing in her mouth. So now, the throw away table covers are another fixture in her diaper bag. Here are a few videos that I captured during the first few days of self-feeding. They are so funny to watch.

It's really amazing to me how fast little ones learn things. One day, struggling to find their mouths with a tasty treat, the next, it's second nature and they're ready for the next step. What will next week bring??? And so it goes...

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